Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pastels & Oil Bars at Joshua Tree

Occasionally, I will switch up mediums, constantly keep up to date on the new technologies of art materials, or in this case here, have experimented in various mediums before the wonderful 3D thick painting adventures.

One of my favorite outside places of inspiration are the artistic rocks of Joshua Tree National Park that create a lot of wonder at how the rocks were formed, seeing all the textures, and finding cave-like entrances. There are real petroglyphs (rock engravings from prehistoric times) there too. 

See my Facebook album for a few amazing artistic wonders here.

Pastels laid out & oil bars excited to try, but it was here at Joshua Tree that really confirmed it for me to leave the paints in the studio. Very cold there in the desert that day, plus my photographic eye missed a real fox that went by us. I was so disheartened I missed that when painting can go on at any time and in a better environment where you don't have to move paints to get there, or endure bugs in your paint, or not forget something when you can have all things at your access, save time, and paint from a simple photograph as reference point, with no light or shadows changing on you.

Guess why Van Gogh's sunflowers are wilted looking? He painted in plein air "as he saw them." It was then I realized that the invention of the wonderful camera was after his day. Wow. What amazing technology we have to assist us, yet all the complaints for no time to paint. You do what you want in life and you make time for living life to the fullest of your dreams if you really want to. 

We even have paints already crushed and mixed for for us and canvases already pre-primed, gesso'd, and stretched, ready to just paint without all the icky work. You structure your life to give you the best with the least resistances or distractions. For me, it is painting in the proper place in a comfortable environment that does not hinder your creating.

Ruth Collis
Available Paintings at Xanadu Gallery

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